Sunday, July 24, 2011

Our Older Reviews

This is our first blog. We set up this film review site because we are tried of seeing professional movie critics kiss the ass of movie studios (with great film reviews) when the movie studios put out movies that suck. We pay for all the movies we see because here in Las Vegas we don't get Hollywood screenings often.

We saw Hancock and basically thought that it sucked we went into it neutral and came out saying WTF? Any time you set up a superhero movie you need to establish an origin which this film did not do.

Then when Will Smith & Charlize Theron meet for the first time it obvious that they know each other, then when the big reveal is shown you are like what the hell is this, the filmmakers expect us to buy the explanation that Will & Charlize are husband and wife from 80 years ago and that they have been around for about 3000 years and they were created in pairs and if they get near each other they cancel out each others powers.....enough!!

This film is a cross between a bad superhero concept and Highlander. So if you are a Will Smith fan you might enjoy it.

Wanted with Angelina Jolie is a rip off of The Matrix and James McAvoy was so much of a wimp that it was totally annoying and when he did finally grow a pair we were already dissapointed, the film is over the top which is what we like but it was not that great. Angelina Jolie fans will enjoy this, we did not.

Get Smart was a very funny film, people we saw it with laughed out loud in the theater in parts it dragged but overall it was a fun time at the movies. So check it.

We will be reviewing upcoming films like Hellboy 2, The Dark Knight, and others we will also be at Comic-Con 2008 in San Diego and we will have some footage from there as well so stay tuned......


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  2. This our reviews from films from a few years ago since we were reviewing on Myspace and and had to redo everything here so please bear with us in this transition.

    There are also some new ones here as well
