Sunday, July 24, 2011

Captain America-The First Avenger

Captain America is the latest in Marvel Studios comic book releases.  Captain America is actually well done, it has a nice story and great action.  The story follows the origins of Cap AKA Steve Rogers a scrawny kid from New York who becomes a great hero during WWII.  The writers did an awesome job the story it was easy to follow without making it too drawn out.  The origins of Cap got right to the point which is what a comic book movie should do.  Joe Johnston is to be commended for taking on the mantle in this latest release he did a wonderful job.  Chris Evans as Cap is awesome and he is totally believable in the role.  The director has some nice Avengers tie ins and if you are a comic book fan you shouldn't have a problem spotting the easter eggs.  Now we have to tell you as always stay after the credits because along with seeing the hard work put in by these folks Marvel Studios always gives us a tease for the next upcoming film and this time it's worth it.  Captain America-The First Avenger is definitely worth full price admission.

Green Lantern

We had such high hopes for this and we are sad to say that it's another epic fail for DC Comics & Warner Bros.  The last two comic book adaptations from DC have been really bad (Superman Returns & Jonah Hex).  We don't know if it's just bad screenwriting because the casting has actually been very good.  We are not going to bash DC because the comic books have great stories, and that should give some of these "A"-List screenwriters some idea on how to write the story.  Anyway the story took to long to explain itself especially for an orgins story.  The film was way over CGI'd it could have used a practical suit as opposed to a CGI'd one.  The weaponary, the Green Lantern Corps, understandable CGI but the suit way is too much and in 3D it's way too much on the eyes.  What makes this even worse it's not true 3D it's conversion. We have no problem with Ryan Reynolds but we have like too have seen him better as Deadpool to be honest.  Overall Green Lantern had potenial but it failed in it's execution.


We throughly enjoyed this film.  Most people may think that this was over CGI'd well we saw it in 2D and it was fine.   The story was easy to follow and stayed within the Marvel timeline coinciding with Iron Man, Iron Man 2, and The Incredible Hulk (We can't wait for Captain America).  Thor is a good time at the movies.  The acting was good, Chris Hemsworth did a good job as Thor and Anthony Hopkins as Odin, well you can't go wrong.  The director Kenneth Branagh who is primarily known for Shakespearian acting and directing did a wonderful job in directing Thor.  In our opinion Thor is worth full price and good rental when it comes out.

Drive Angry 3D

Ok this is again not one of Nicolas Cage's best movie roles.  We are not against Nic in anyway but his recent films have been needless to say.....CRAP and this one falls in to the same thing.  Drive Angry is a retro payback to the 70's Grindhouse genre which is cool but we think Quentin Tarantino Grindhouse was better.  The director did a good job with the action sequences especially in 3D and Nic did an awesome job driving but the acting is........well lack luster at best.  Amber Heard is eye candy and really didn't bring anything to the table acting wise.  So Drive Angry is best described this way Boobs, Bullets, Cars, & Guns it's good for a rental or best watched on Netflix when you're bored.

I Love You Phillip Morris

We were lucky to catch one of those screenings of a movie that they hand out flyers to when you're leaving a movie the other night. The movie is an Independent Film, so we are not sure when the movie will be released, or if it will be in every theater or only in a few. 
The title of the movie is "I Love You Phillip Morris"Starring Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor and Leslie Mann. The movie is based on the true life story of Steven Russell.
The movie begins with Jim Carrey's character laying in his deathbed reflecting on his life and talking to the audience via a voice over. We see a flash back to his childhood and find out he was adopted. When he grows up, he discovers who his birth mother is and goes over to find out why she didn't want him and is turned away. He begins to cheat on his wife{Played by Leslie Mann} and that is when the fun of the movie really begins.  We find out that Steven is gay and has been living a lie. He and his wife divorce, but remain friends. Steven finds a boyfriend and they begin their life together. As it turns out Steven is a con-man and comes up with different schemes to make money. While in prison, he meets Phillip Morris, played by Ewan McGregor and they begin a love affair.
Now if you can get past all of the male male kissing{Jim Carrey and Ewan McGreor} and the simulated gay sex scenes, you will have a great time watching this film. 
When this film comes out{No Pun Intended}, you should go see it. 
This film is worth full price and should be seen in a theater with a crowd to get the full enjoyment and effect of the scenes.

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen

Ok we had to see what the hype was all about for Transformers, in our opinion if you are a fan of the series then go see it.  We are fans of good CGI and Transformers has it, now with that being said the story was shit...sorry it had to be said  

Nothing but explosion after explosion.   Well what do you expect from a Michael Bay film, just a lot of blowing shit up and if you think you can carry a movie for 2 1/2 hours with just CGI, explosions, and a crappy story and think it's good well......

I guess pulling in over a $100 million it's first weekend proves us wrong or it goes to show that the average movie fan will pay anything for crap.  
So if you are huge fan then go see it. otherwise wait for DVD. 

The Proposal

We went into this movie with the mind set "We don't really want to see this movie", but we laughed our ass off from start to finish.
The cast all worked well together and Betty White was funny and great as always.
Go see this movie, it is definitely worth full price.

Public Enemies

Public Enemies was way too long for my liking and I don't care for Johnny Depp.
Now with all of that being said, I think Johnny Depp did do a good job in this movie and the movie does give you the sense that you are watching an old mobster movie.
However there are some herky jerky movements of the camera and lighting situations which I just couldn't get past. Now comes the moment of truth, is this movie worth full price? Well if you are a Johnny Depp fan or really enjoy old time mobster films, then I guess it would be worth full price. If you aren't into Johnny Depp or even mobster films but you want to check it out, then catch a matinee.  

The Hangover

We went and saw The Hangover last night and all we can say is W.T.F. 
we went into it expecting for it to suck, because the ads for it were funny and that usually means the commercial/trailer is the movie. Well in this case that theory does not work. 
This movie was wrong on so many levels. we laughed our asses off watching this movie. 
You have to see this movie with a crowd.  Is this movie worth paying full price at todays prices? Hell yes it's worth paying full price.
Get out and see this movie. 

*On a side note, We recently worked at one of the strip hotels doing security for the past 6 years and to borrow a phrase from Mythbusters, everything seen in Las Vegas in this movie is "PLAUSIBLE" and we have seen some of the stuff first hand or heard about from other workers.

Land Of The Lost

Land of the Lost stays somewhat true to the show from the 70's. There is a Rick Marshall, there is a Will and there is a Holly, they just aren't related. Oh yea, Chaka is here too, just not like in the show. Chaka is now older and some kinda monkey prince of sorts.  There is plenty of humor that at times sort of pokes fun at the show and is some what sexual at times. The special effects are better than the stop motion of the TV show and the jokes are still as lame as they were on the show. There is some brief partial nudity which is definitely not like the TV show. The Sleestacks are pretty much the same except for their teeth. Land of the Lost is a good family film and would be a great matinee or regular priced date movie. If you have never seen the TV show, you will still enjoy the movie.

Night At The Museum 2

Night At The Museum Battle Of The Smithsonian was an okay movie.  Ben Stiller reprised his role as did many from the first movie although briefly.  Jonah Hill{Super Bad}was seen in a scene as a security guard at the Smithsonian, but unfortunately all he was in was a scene.  This movie might have been better had Jonah been in it more.  Hank Azaria had the role of the lead villain and was quite annoying talking with an unnecessary lisp and sounding like Boris Karlof. This movie although presented in Imax would be better on cable TV. If you must see this movie now, go to a matinee because it is not worth full price. In fact, save your money and watch the first one again it was more enjoyable. 

Star Trek

The latest Star Trek movie is very well done both with action and humor.  It is a great premiss to see the origins of the original characters and find out two of them were involved with each other.  This movie is well worth the full price admission.

Drag Me To Hell

This movie started out as being a great scary movie and gave you goose bumps, but when the plot twist came up, that is when the sizzle faded and the movie went to hell.
They use the same overdone twist where things get mixed up together and the wrong thing is picked up.  This movie is better seen on cable or DVD at a friends house, so you don't have to pay for it.

Watchmen, Knowing, Duplicity & I Love You Man

Well we haven't posted in a while so we have some catching up to do. We finished off 2008 and some of the movies were hit and miss, now with that being said lets get down to it.

Watchmen-being a fan of the graphic novel I liked it it was well shot the CGI for Dr. Manhattan was awesome for the most part it stayed closed to the graphic novel but you have to Hollywood-up certain parts to put "asses-in-the-seats" So we recommended it. SPECIAL NOTE!! DON'T TAKE THE KIDS TO SEE THIS. THIS MOVIE IS "R" RATED FOR A REASON!

Knowing-Let's say this we are fans of Nicolas Cage but his choices in films recently have been pretty shitty and Knowing is no exception it actually was an interesting concept on paper but as soon as you throw an alien twist in it WTF!? My partner stayed and watched it until it ended I walked out on it. This is a wait for TV when you're bored at a friends house.

Duplicity-Well the trailers looked good the biggest problem we had with this was the story started in the present then to set the rest of the story up it was told in a flash back which is fine but when you do this for 1 hour 56 minutes that is annoying. Not even Clive Owen's good acting & Julia Roberts ummm.....whatever could save this film. By the way we walked out on this one too.

I Love You Man-This is a funny movie it was raunchy laughs but so worth it we actually sat through the entire film we recommend seeing it.

Bangkok Dangerous

Here is our review of the Nicolas Cage film Bangkok Dangerous well let us say Bangkok Disastrous this movie was horrible we actually walked out on it and could not get our money back. there were two parts of the film that were good and that's about it. When Nicolas Cage has a hand in producing his own films they have basically bombed does anyone remember The Wicker Man. Look he is a very good actor but he needs to stay acting and let someone else produce the films. So wait for Bangkok Dangerous to come on cable and see it at a friend's house when you don't have anything else to do.

Tropic Thunder

Ok let get to it first off we are going to address what happened to us at the Los Angeles premiere of Tropic Thunder. Look we paid $2,000 overall when everything was said done the money went to charity that's not what we are upset about what we are upset about is the fact that we did not get to meet any celebrities did not get on the red carpet as a matter of fact we did not even get close to the fucking red carpet.
There were people who won a radio station contest they got go on the red carpet they got pictures and also got to meet the stars. If you want to say we are whining so be it but wouldn't you be pissed if you paid a couple thousand dollars of your hard earned money and didn't get jack shit. So we are not the biggest fans of Paramount/Dreamworks.
Now for the review: the film is very, very funny and worth full price admission. So go see Tropic Thunder. It is worth a $1,000 dollars to see....that's what we paid.

Hellboy 2-The Golden Army

This movie's story is extremely weak it needs the CGI/SFX to help it along. The tooth fairies yes tooth fairies were a very interesting concept and trippy to look at, by the way these tooth fairies won't leave any money under your pillow instead they will eat you and your pillow. There are parts in the movie that reminded us too much of MIB2 especially the headquarters scene. But overall the movie tries to preach an environmental message be it intentional or unintentional, if we wanted a PSA we would've stayed home and watched TV. There are really funny moments in the movie especially when Abe & Hellboy get drunk and start singing a Barry Manilow the way you can't get that damn song out of your head. This movie is ok as a matinee not a full price movie. Fans of the first movie will enjoy this one.

Journey to the Center of the Earth

Journey To The Center Of The Earth-3D, when you see it you have to suspend disbelief. The CGI is really cool especially in 3D, this film is good wholesome family fun. The 3D makes the film worth watching. The film slows in parts and there is a good amount of humor. The Mine Car scene makes you feel like you are riding a roller coaster especially in 3D. The film is being released regular and 3D see it in 3D you will have a better time. Journey gets matinee price but worth checking out.

Our Older Reviews

This is our first blog. We set up this film review site because we are tried of seeing professional movie critics kiss the ass of movie studios (with great film reviews) when the movie studios put out movies that suck. We pay for all the movies we see because here in Las Vegas we don't get Hollywood screenings often.

We saw Hancock and basically thought that it sucked we went into it neutral and came out saying WTF? Any time you set up a superhero movie you need to establish an origin which this film did not do.

Then when Will Smith & Charlize Theron meet for the first time it obvious that they know each other, then when the big reveal is shown you are like what the hell is this, the filmmakers expect us to buy the explanation that Will & Charlize are husband and wife from 80 years ago and that they have been around for about 3000 years and they were created in pairs and if they get near each other they cancel out each others powers.....enough!!

This film is a cross between a bad superhero concept and Highlander. So if you are a Will Smith fan you might enjoy it.

Wanted with Angelina Jolie is a rip off of The Matrix and James McAvoy was so much of a wimp that it was totally annoying and when he did finally grow a pair we were already dissapointed, the film is over the top which is what we like but it was not that great. Angelina Jolie fans will enjoy this, we did not.

Get Smart was a very funny film, people we saw it with laughed out loud in the theater in parts it dragged but overall it was a fun time at the movies. So check it.

We will be reviewing upcoming films like Hellboy 2, The Dark Knight, and others we will also be at Comic-Con 2008 in San Diego and we will have some footage from there as well so stay tuned......